ROAZ - Autonomous Surface Vehicles
The ROAZ Autonomous Surface Vehicle (ASV) research program, focuses on marine robotics systems, namely design issues in surface autonomous robots, navigation and control problems (...)
FALCOS - Autonomous Aerial Vehicles
The FALCOS UAV systems are developed for low altitude, mainly civilian applications such as forest fire prevention, security, environmental monitoring or aerial imagery. (...)
ISePorto Team Project
ISePorto Team is part of a LSA-ISEP robotic football initiative and is designed for participation in Robocup Middle Size League (F2000). (...)
LSAVision - Real Time Robotic Vision
This project addresses the development of real-time computer vision algorithms and techniques suitable for robotic perception tasks with low computational and energy requirements.
LINCE Rover - Land INtelligent Cooperative Explorer
This project concerns the research on ground mobile robotics for cooperative exploration. Issues on the use of multiple autonomous coordinated robots to perform missions (...)
SEATS - Structured Environment Autonomous Transportation System
This project addresses the issues related with the use of autonomous systems for transportation in structured environments such as urban areas or industrial facilities.